SuiteCRM - eVolpe Consulting Group


Expanded and functional CRM system without license fees.

Contact our consultant and find out more about SuiteCRM and how can it help your company.

Free of license fees

One of the undisputed advantages of SuiteCRM is that it is free of license-related costs. Authors of this system guarantee that downloading and using it will never be charged with additional costs and their product will be always available under AGPL3 license.

SuiteCRM is currently the only free CRM system that can compete with such brands as SugarCRM, Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics CRM. In the context of upcoming functionality announced by developers and free updates, this platform is definitely worthy alternative to commercial solutions.

Strong foundations

SuiteCRM is based on the last entirely free community edition of SugarCRM. Thanks to that, it is already fully functioning and mature CRM system even though it was released at the end of 2013.

Compared to the last community edition of SugarCRM, this system was enriched with a wide range of additional functions and improvements. Modules such as Products, Workflow, Maps, Events or Teams became immanent parts of the system. Its users can also enjoy such features as advanced reporting or internal search engine that was significantly improved since SugarCRM CE 6.5

Dozens of plug-ins

Results of work done by community of developers dedicated to SuiteCRM has been reflected in availability of dozens of free plug-ins that can easily expand the basic functionality of the system.

Plug-ins that are already made enable to make a use of new functions in such areas as reporting, mobile access, marketing or administration. There are also extensions that allow to quickly integrate SuiteCRM with Asterisk (communication service) or e-mail clients MS Outlook and Thunderbird.


Rapid development of this system is undoubtedly caused by significant and active community. The official SuiteCRM forum is vibrant and every other version of this platform is perceptively audited by commited developers.

Part of developers making a foundation of success of SugarCRM Comminity Edition is currently involved in developing and improving SuiteCRM. Thanks to that, this system is quickly growing and with every version it offers better and better default functionality.

Free of charge CRM – professional services

eVolpe is a group of specialists with a vast experience in the area of customization, implementation and integration of open-source CRM systems. Our competences gained over the years of work with community edition of SugarCRM fluently transformed into an expert knowledge of SuiteCRM.

Thanks to eVolpe, SuiteCRM can successfully function even in the largest enterprises. Beside of professional business analysis and making in-depth modifications of the system according to customer’s needs we offer hosting the system on our fast and robust servers.


Sales management

Customer database, sales process management, opportunity tracking and forecasting

  • Central database of key information about accounts and contractors
  • Handling leads from the first contact up to converting into an account
  • Possibility of sales forecasting and setting targets
  • Monitoring sales funnel
Catalogue of products and services
Additional functionality

Let us talk about SuiteCRM in your company!

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