MintHCM at eVolpe

Human Capital Management System



implementation methodology:





Redmine, RocketChat

project delivery:



eVolpe Cloud


  • invoicing clients based on Time & Material settlements
  • no time tracking system
  • knowledge about recruitment processes stored among customer data in CRM software
  • difficult coordination of meetings and tasks in the area of on- and offboarding
  • lack of information about upcoming co-worker absences
  • management of common resources (company car, conference rooms, etc.)
  • job descriptions kept in spreadsheets
  • lack of an effective tool for employee evaluations


  • creation of a time tracking tool
  • integration with the project management system
  • organizing knowledge about recruitment
  • mapping the organizational structure with job descriptions
  • organizing onboarding and offboarding
  • keeping track of absences (remote work, business trip, illness, vacation, etc.)
  • designing career paths in the system
  • correlating information about skills and competences with the results of employee evaluations


In most cases, we invoice our customers based on information about the time and resources spent on individual tasks (Time & Material). For this purpose, we use a project management system called Redmine. This is also where the communication between beneficiaries on the client’s side and our development team takes place. MintHCM allowed us to effectively bind working time with projects and tasks in progress.

MintHCM made it possible to move away from planning everything in the CRM system, Outlook and private calendars (not visible to other team members). We needed a convenient tool for all employees of our company. And we certainly got it.

We now plan our availability for 2 weeks ahead. Thanks to the shared calendar, we can see who and when is going to be in the office. We also get notified about upcoming business trips, people working remotely, co-workers going on vacation or taking a sick leave. Additionally, MintHCM informs us about an attempt to create a meeting colliding with another scheduled appointment. Notifications about upcoming absences show on our company chat (Rocket.Chat.)

eVolpe is constantly and dynamically growing. Additionally, it is typical for the IT specialists to switch jobs rather frequently. For those reasons, we need a powerful tool to coordinate recruitment processes.

Since adding MintHCM to our software infrastructure, we organize everything in the following modules: Recruitment, Candidates and Candidatures. We came up with such a division because it is possible that more than one person applies for the same vacant position, or the same candidate submits their candidacy in numerous recruitment processes.

After a successful recruitment the candidate gets transformed into a new employee record. Appropriate system permissions are then automatically set (access to the job description, employment history, time tracking, etc.).

Onboarding and offboarding are two specific workflows that we carry out either at the very beginning or at the end of the employment. MintHCM allows us to coordinate trainings, meetings and tasks to be performed when someone joins or leaves eVolpe. The software holds a list of formalities to be completed and equipment to be given out or collected.

Once designed, the on- or offboarding template is used, each time we expand or reduce our team. Everyone knows what needs to be done and whom the tasks involve. Therefore, MintHCM streamlines the process of introducing a new person and makes for a positive impression about our organization from the very first minutes.

A great challenge was to coordinate access to shared corporate resources, such as our company car or conference rooms. Thanks to MintHCM we finally managed to sort out this issue. Right now, it only takes one look at the calendar to check the availability of common equipment. There is a “first come, first served” rule, but you can always negotiate ? The important thing is – we now know who to ask. No more surprises.

MintHCM helped us organize documentation related to employment history. Instead of keeping dusty files – we now store contracts and annexes digitally, on secure, hi-tech servers.

This type of data is particularly sensitive, and the rules of personal information processing are very strictly regulated. We do not know a safer place than a professionally secured and configurated IT software. Additionally, each eVolpe employee gets constant and unlimited access to information about themselves. MintHCM is accessible from a web browser, on any device within the range of the Internet.

MintHCM allowed us to organize the procedure which we (before) carried out using versioned Excel sheets. It had its drawbacks, so we are glad that we managed to improve the process. In addition to the fact that we have gained access to archived employee appraisals, we have created a rich database of skills. It comes handy when there is a need to recruit a specialist or use an external provider of specific services. For example, we have a Dutch-speaking person and a SEO specialist on board. Thanks to MintHCM we are able to track such information and use it accordingly.

Marta Mazurek

HR & Employer Branding Specialist

Marta Mazurek HR Specialist

I use MintHCM to recruit new employees and coordinate employer branding campaigns. I especially appreciate the transparency of information stored in the system. Access to my colleagues’ work plans was especially useful during the coronavirus pandemic.

Marcin Różański


Marcin Różański CEO @ eVolpe

MintHCM has many analytical features. I get to see reports on employment status and verify the effectiveness of my team. Thanks to the system, I can tell how many hours we spent on a specific project and whether it turned out to be profitable.

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